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Pest Control Cedar City | Ways to Keep Your Restaurant Pest Free

Dec 13

Pests can be a problem in any restaurant. But if you follow these simple guidelines, your establishment will be pest-free and your customers will thank you for it! There are many reasons why pests may find their way into an establishment. From the food source to the number of people coming in and out of the building, there are plenty of opportunities for unwanted guests to invade your business. Fortunately, with some diligence on behalf of management and staff, this should not present a major issue. Make sure that all food is kept safe and dry - never leave food exposed, Make sure trash cans have tight lids to keep rats and other vermin out of the house for a free meal, If the room is excessively hot, ensure that the door is closed since this will entice insects. Check your business on a regular basis. Call pest control as soon as you detect any pests! Check the seals of your outdoor dumpster bins to ensure they are fully closed if you're seeing more pests than usual for no apparent reason.


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Keep your restaurant clean

Keep your restaurant clean. It is not just about the food - it's also about the pests. Pests are attracted to dirty areas and will spread diseases if they invade your establishment. There are many ways you can keep pests out, but it starts with cleaning up after yourself each day. Wash your dishes, wipe down countertops, sweep under tables, vacuum carpeting, and sprinkle baking soda on carpets that are in need of a deep clean or have been heavily trafficked by guests over time. Sweep the patio daily as well! Pest Control in Cedar City Utah offers pest control services for restaurants to eliminate these bugs from your business before they become an infestation problem which could cost you thousands of dollars in lost revenue due to customers not wanting to come back.

Make sure all surfaces are cleaned regularly, with particular attention paid to the kitchen and bathrooms

Pests in your restaurant can be a nightmare for you and your customers. They can also pose a health risk with some even carrying diseases that are transferable to humans. Thankfully, there are several measures you can take to keep pests out of your restaurant. To begin, ensure that all surfaces are cleaned regularly, with particular focus paid to the kitchen and bathrooms. This will aid in the removal of any food or filth that may attract pests into the structure via doors or windows. Also, make sure there is no standing water on the property, which would create a perfect breeding environment for mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus as well as other mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.

Pest Control Cedar City

Seal off any cracks or holes in the building that pests could enter through

The most common pests found in restaurants are rodents, cockroaches, and flies. Rats can enter through small holes or cracks in the building that may be created by a leaky roof or construction site next door. Cockroaches can hide under appliances and food storage areas, as well as inside walls where they have access to water sources. Flies will often come into the restaurant from outside due to open windows or doors. To keep pests out of your restaurant, it is important to seal any cracks or holes that could allow them to enter your business. Another problem that restaurants often experience with pests is when food particles are left out or dishes go unwashed overnight. Rodents and flies especially love to eat leftover food that has been sitting out. Keeping a clean work environment will help prevent any type of pest infestation in your restaurant. While it is important to always be ready for customers and have extra time, try to never leave dishes in the sink overnight and avoid keeping trash around for too long after it has been emptied.


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Use pest-proof trash cans for food scraps

Pests are attracted to food scraps and can cause problems in your home. One way you can help keep them away is by using pest-proof trash cans for food scraps. These are specially designed containers that make it harder for pests to get inside of them. They have a tight-fitting lid with an opening only large enough to fit the nozzle of a vacuum hose, so they're airtight when closed off from pests outside. The openings also have screens on top which allow airflow but not bugs or rodents inside the bin itself. This design keeps smells at bay as well, since pests will be less likely to stick around if there's no smell coming out of the container. These bins come in various shapes and sizes depending on where you look. You can get them for sale online or they may also be available in larger chain stores and hardware shops.

Install fly screens on windows and doors to keep flies out of the restaurant

Flies are a constant nuisance to people who work in restaurants, especially those that serve food. Flies can be found crawling on the floor and buzzing around the tables. They could even be landing on your food as you sit there eating it! And they don't just land on any kind of food - flies love meat and dairy products too. Worse yet, flies carry many different types of bacteria and viruses with them that can make humans sick if we touch them or accidentally swallow them while eating our meal. There is an easy solution though: install fly screens at windows and doors to keep out these pesky pests. If you use this method for all entrances to your restaurant, then not only will you avoid having customers see flies inside; but also you will keep the flies from getting in. You can install fly screens at all entrances to your restaurant permanently, or you could try a temporary measure by setting them up on some of the entrances for a season. You don't have to spend a lot of money - flying insect screens are inexpensive and they come in many different shapes and sizes too.

Use traps with bait to catch rodents inside the building

Rodents are a nuisance, especially when they get inside the building. Rats and mice can cause damage to wiring, insulation, food supplies, and other goods in storage areas. They make noise at night which is disturbing for people who work or live near them. Mice leave droppings behind which can carry diseases like Salmonella. There are many ways to keep rodents out of buildings but not all of these methods are practical or affordable for everyone. One common way that pest control companies use traps with bait because rats have a keen sense of smell so it attracts them when they come into the area where the trap has been set up. Another benefit of using traps is that you can catch more than one rodent at a time.

Clean up outside areas like dumpsters, storage sheds, and garbage bins where pests might live or find their next meal

Some of the worst bugs in your house might not be found inside, but rather outside your home. These creatures will find a way to enter if they can and it is up to you to keep them out. The best thing you can do is make sure that when these pests come looking for food, there are no leftovers from last night's dinner waiting for them in the dumpster or storage shed. If there are any open containers around, seal them tightly with strong tape or lids. Even better yet, invest in a few small trash cans that have tight-fitting lids so pests don't have access to an easy meal. If possible place garbage bins outside of the building where they cannot easily be reached by animals or bugs. In some cases, it might be necessary to set out a trap or two for cockroaches and other bugs that you can't seem to get rid of by cleaning alone.


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