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how to reduce cost per conversion google ads

Mar 28

So I want to go over a quick Google trick that I use to decrease my CPAs by 40%. 

So this is one of the accounts that I'm working on. This is for a DMV in California. They do basically dealer licence vehicle dealer licences for people who want to, you know, like sell used cars. Go to dealer auctions, basically just make money to literally you can also use these licences for your own family's cars so you can basically like deflect DMV fees and taxes, not insurance, taxes and fees from DMVs and like state fees on the car. So with most campaigns, like you'll pick, you know, multiple keywords that are very, like narrow, so the client was originally running ads that were very exact matches or phrase matches, which means that basically he's only targeting people who are searching that word and that word only, or an exact match for a phrase match, not a broad match. A broad match is basically saying like, hey, if they search dealership licence, it can find words just like it. That's why they call it broad. 

If it's a phrase match or an exact match, it means they had the search that exact phrase for that phrase has to match within us like a longer phrase. I do things a little bit differently just because I don't want to spread myself too narrow, and he's getting about 80 to $85 CPAs so keep that in mind when I show you what I do. 

My biggest thing is, no matter what niche you're in, as long as it's been proven enough to be scalable, you're going to have enough there's nothing there's enough money to go around. So you never have to worry about like oh, is this like too narrow to the point where I shouldn't be doing so much broad and right now like Google is telling me that I'm limited by budget because they know my scalability because the results I'm already getting. 

So within my campaign I do at least 100 keywords now obviously there are ones that are we now like for example, online car dealers, it's probably not the best broad match to use online used cars probably not the best because they can be looking at CarGurus things like that. I will use 100 different keywords. And as you can see here, I have some here that are getting 96 cent conversion $7 conversion $2 $2 $2 $8. 

Now, why is that? Because I'm using broad match, basically using any word under the sun or using competitors putting in the links of you know, competitors, landing pages, competitors ads their Landers. I'm using broad matches and then using relevant keywords. 

I'm not doing exact or phrase matches, I'm only doing broad. Broad allows it to be more scalable just because like if there could be someone who's looking for that thing, but they're also searching for something else. And you know, in one of my next videos, 

I'm gonna show you another Google ad account that I kind of do the same thing but it's a small trick where I take like one word from well, we'll get into that but So now with this being said like I have the same ad groups made same ad same text, same descriptions, the target CPAs are under what he's currently getting. But right now I have this one getting $16 A conversion $27 And this one's getting $67 This one has zero so me looking over that over the next couple days you know cost per click is a lot lower. So it allows more data to go into the, you know, to the 

Google ads themselves and then if I want to retarget and do like all visitors that's going to make a lot of money. And because of this, go to the overview, I'm getting about $47 A conversion and I can also move on used budgets to optimise my sport. Now these optimization courts don't really matter much but the fact that just by using broad targeting, I'm getting cheaper cost per click cheaper cost per conversion allows us to scale find new buyers and tap into probably an extra 20 to 40% of people in California who are searching other keywords that basically never saw these. 

Article provided by and Poppies and Thyme Initial Necklaces