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Treatment Of Fever Blisters: Essential Oils

Apr 20

Do you suffer with fever blisters? Fever blisters can be very uncomfortable and painful. There are numerous treatments for fever blisters, but not all of them are suitable for all people.

Essential oils can offer relief for some people. We will be discussing essential oils to treat fever blisters in this post and how to use them!

What is Essential Oil?

Essential oils are liquids with a high concentration that are extracted from plants. These oils are a source of fragrance and flavor of the plants in addition to its qualities.

The therapeutic and medicinal benefits of essential oils are extensively documented throughout the ages in a variety of cultures.

Types Of Essential Oil

There are different types of essential oils, each possessing its own unique characteristics.

The most popular type of essential oil that is used is lavender oil. Lavender oil can have a relaxing and calming effect on the body which can reduce stress levels and anxiety. The oil of lavender is famous for its ability to heal wounds and help soothe burns.

Peppermint oil is a different essential oil that can be utilized to treat fever blisters. Peppermint oil has a refreshing and cooling effect on skin. This oil can be used to ease itching and pain. The antiseptic properties of peppermint oil could aid in preventing infection.

What is the effect of essential Oil Do Its Work?

Essential oils work by interacting with the body through the nose or skin. When they are applied on the skin they are taken into the bloodstream, and then can interact with cells and organs.

Inhaling essential oils, they are transported to the brain, where they can be a part of the body's nervous system.

Numerous health benefits are linked with essential oils for example:

  • reducing inflammation
  • Pain relief
  • Stress reduction and anxiety
  • Improving immunity
  • improving digestion
  • improving the quality of sleep

Essential oils are utilized in many ways. Here are some of the most commonly used ways:

  • dispersing them into an oil diffuser
  • by incorporating them into a bath or shower
  • Apply them to the skin (diluted using carrier oil)

What essential oil is good For Fever Blisters?

The following essential oils are the most frequently used oils for treating fever blisters:

  • Lavender oil
  • Geranium oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Chamomile oil

Are There Any Side Effects to using essential oils?

The possibility of adverse effects is present in all natural treatments. The most common side effect is irritation to the skin. frequent side effect associated with essential oils, especially in the case that they haven't been properly dispersed. You can discontinue using essential oils and clean the affected area with soap and warm water. Always consult with your doctor prior to applying any new remedy that is natural especially if you're pregnant or nursing.

What if I have an open sore from a cold?

Essential oils can be utilized even if you suffer from a sore throat. Make sure you avoid using any oils that may cause irritation to your skin, such as Eucalyptus and peppermint oils. It is also advised not to apply the oil directly on your cold sore, as this can further cause irritation to the skin. Instead apply the oil onto an swab of cotton and apply it to the cold sore.

Do essential oils really work? For Fever Blisters?

There isn't any scientific proof that essential oils work for fever blisters. Many swear of essential oils and say that they are able to quickly treat and heal cold sores.


There isn't any one "cure" for fever blisters. A lot of people get relief applying essential oils. If you decide to give them a try ensure you conduct your research and purchase high-quality oils from a reputable source. As always, consult your doctor before trying any natural solutions.