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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel has been an essential element of traditional marketing and business for ages. It seems like the topic of funnels in online-based businesses is becoming more popular.

The truth is that people want to learn more about this strategy for marketing and the best way to implement it in their online marketing campaigns. If you'd like to learn more about the sales funnel for effective Internet marketing, I encourage you to read on.

The Sales Funnel - What exactly is it?

A marketing funnel isn't a real funnel. In this case using the term funnel is to visually describe the process of selling from beginning to the conclusion. The term"funnel" is a term utilized to define the sales process due to its more extensive entry point to "Unqualified Prospects" as well as a smaller opening for converts at the bottom.

The "unqualified prospects", also known as those who aren't qualified, will be in the middle of the funnel. They might require your product or service but haven't been approached before. There will be a lot of opportunities and sales in the future, and you'll also have customers who've purchased your product/service.

Another reason a lead-generation funnel idea is so efficient is that it lets you track potential customers at various stages in the expanded sales process. It is possible to predict the number potential customers using the sales funnel, by being aware of the number of prospects who are qualified throughout the process.

The sales funnel lets you to determine the areas where your sales strategy is not working and where it is being successful. It can also help to determine if your marketing campaign is not reaching enough customers. This information will allow you to determine where to focus your efforts and help you reach your goals in marketing. It is used to track and control customers' sales processes.

The Sales Funnel Top Front or End

Your sales funnel's top is the most active and most crucial part of your process. It requires constant testing. There are literally no end of front-end concepts. Your imagination and your resources are the only limitations.

The primary goal of the front-end is to attract prospective customers and turn those buyers into buyers further through the sales funnel.

When a potential customer opts-in to your offering, they are "qualified". This is when the prospect or "Unqualified Lead" is qualified. It's because they took an action that suggests that they may be interested in purchasing your product or services.

You must drive targeted traffic on your blog, website or squeeze page in order for your front-end system to function. PPC advertisements, article marketing, banners, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube banners, blog posts forums, and other resources are some of the most effective techniques and resources.

You'll find that there are numerous tools to "qualify" those who are "Unqualified Prospect". The most efficient is the squeeze page. You can provide something of value that is connected to your service or product that they are able to get for free or at a drastically discounted price in exchange for their email. Products offered include newsletters as well video, eBooks, email courses, and other related reports.

We can see that the front-end is where people are attracted to your sales funnel. The back-end is what we should be focusing on.


The Bottom of The Funnel: The Back-End

The back-end, or bottom of the funnel is where the major profit and sales take place. It usually contains your higher priced products. Basically these would be relevant to the same niche but presented in different formats, such as video, audio live interaction, or private consult.

The primary difference between the front-end and back-end is the type of client, and also the price of the service or product being provided.

Although it is true that only 1-2 percent of the people who access the front end will be able connect to your back-end system, this small percentage may not matter. This is due to a small few will invest a greater amount of money.

It is evident that, while front end products and services can be priced at less than $100, back-end products and services typically cost in the hundreds or thousands. This means that the top of the funnel, or back-end, the main source for revenue for your Internet company. It's also the most reliable and secure area of the process of selling.

As I mentioned the sales funnel can be as easy or complex as your imagination or resources permit.

The following link will give further details on my content marketing strategy.

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