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Tips To Help Cure A Yeast Infection

Jun 1

Tips To Help Cure A Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are painful, uncomfortable and annoying. They are also a common problem that most women will experience at some point in their lives. Ridding yourself of troublesome yeast can be difficult, but with some sound advice the problem becomes less severe and easier to manage. Here are some tips that can help.

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Make sure you always wear natural cotton panties. Anything made of silk might feel good and look great, but you might pay for it later. Cotton allows your skin to breathe and also reduces moisture. This can prevent an infection all together.


Perfumes are a no-no for yeast infection sufferers. Douches and body scrubs should not be used. Their use makes your vagina imbalanced and prone to illness. You end up more vulnerable to acquiring a yeast infection. If you feel you have to, use only the mildest soaps that are fragrance free on your vagina.


Make sure you dry yourself very thoroughly after bathing and showering to prevent yeast infections. Yeast thrive in moist environments, including folds of skin found almost anywhere on the body. Gently pat the skin dry with an absorbent towel, and then apply body powder to these areas to absorb even more moisture.


Avoid anything scented near the genital area. Perfumed sprays and soaps can irritate the area and promote the development of a yeast infection. Also, stay away from scented feminine hygiene products. Don't use toilet paper that contains dyes.


One of the big enemies of yeast is garlic. As a home remedy, there is nothing better. Do not use raw garlic, but buy some garlic tablets and insert into the vagina every couple of hours for some soothing relief. Read the label of the garlic tabs and only use the ones that are pure and natural.


Be aware that your hormone levels can affect the amount of and intensity of yeast infections. When hormone levels are not stabilized, bad bacteria in the vaginal area is more likely to let in a yeast infection. A number of factors can affect your hormones, such as birth control pills and steroid-based medications, so speak with your doctor about what can be done.


Be aware that you may have more frequent yeast infections when you are expecting. If you experience a yeast infection during pregnancy, consult your OB or midwife. Certain treatments may not be safe for use during pregnancy, and your doctor can advise you of the safest course of action given your circumstances.


It is important to wear loose-fitting clothes to help treat and prevent yeast infections. Yeast infections are more likely to occur, and irritation during an infection will increase if your clothes are too tight. Consider avoiding such garments as tight jeans, pantyhose and leggings until your yeast infection goes away.


If you suffer from yeast infections, you are not alone. This problem is common for women across the globe, and it is a difficult one to get rid of. This article has contained some of the best tips for ridding yourself from yeast once and for all. Use the advice wisely, and find your way to a clean bill of health.