Tips To Keep Your Vehicle Looking Spotless
A clean car not only makes you feel better about driving, but it makes your vehicle more marketable if you’re in the process of selling it or trying to trade it in for another. These tips can help you keep your car looking spotless, even if you can’t use an auto engine cleaning service regularly.
Wash it at least once per week
Drivers in western Washington state need to make sure their car looks clean and tidy. In most areas, it is also against the law to drive a dirty car. Those are two of the many reasons why drivers should regularly take their cars to the Courtesy Automotive Service Center. Even if you only have a few scratches or small dirt spots on the exterior of your vehicle, using just soap and water will go a long way in keeping the paint healthy.
Buy a premium car wash
You can save a lot of time and money by choosing a premium car wash. With their auto engine cleaning service, they will thoroughly clean the inside and outside of your vehicle while providing you with excellent customer service. You'll be back on the road in no time. If you're interested in scheduling an appointment, give our team at Colorado Springs Car Repair a call today. We offer great rates for our oil change packages and we'll take care of all your automotive needs!
Get all the nooks and crannies
Keeping your car clean is not just about making it look nice, it also helps to protect the value of the vehicle. Be sure you take care of all the nooks and crannies so that dirt doesn't settle in them and cause additional problems down the line. Give us a call at Courtesy Automotive Service Center for auto engine cleaning service and we can help you out with any detailing needs. We offer services like carpet cleaning, engine steam cleaning, and window tinting. Our staff is ready to help with whatever service or product you need.
Don’t use any harsh products inside your car
Not only will this prolong the life of your upholstery, but you will also save a lot of money because you won't have to take it in for Colorado Springs car repair nearly as often. Remember that air fresheners, perfume, and colognes are some of the worst things you can use when it comes time to clean up your car. Keep these types of products out of sight, or store them somewhere inside so they don't emit any harmful chemicals while they're being used.
Use a microfiber cloth
Microfiber cloths are an inexpensive way to keep the exterior of your car clean and free from scratches. They're easy to use-simply spray a solution of water and soap onto the surface and then wipe with a microfiber cloth. To remove embedded dirt and grime, soak the cloth in hot soapy water before wiping it over the area you want to clean. Dry the exterior of your car after washing it with a dry towel or a chamois, which is more absorbent than terry cloth towels.
Remove sticker residue after you peel off the sticker
The removal of sticker residue can be a little tricky, but some simple techniques can help you get the job done. The first thing you should do is scrape off as much residue as possible with your fingernail or a plastic scraper. Then, use rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth to remove any remaining adhesive. If this doesn't work, try using dish soap and water instead of the alcohol solution. The last step is wiping down the area with a paper towel dipped in mineral spirits.