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The Leading Provider of the Best Truck Fleet Management Software

Aug 17

Running a trucking company with a huge fleet is not easy. You have a lot of data to enter, lots of orders to process, and much more. And at times, your team can be overwhelmed. But have you tried to look for a solution to simplify processes in your freight company? If yes, and you are yet to find a solution, MessageXpress has one for you. We offer the best truck fleet management software that can help your business in the following ways.

Minimize Manual Entries 

You have seen your team struggle with data entries. And sometimes they end up making mistakes because they are just humans. MessageXpress offers the best TMS software that can help your transportation company minimize manual data entries. The software can allow your team to import data from one system to another. And as a result, your team doesn’t have to waste a lot of time entering data that can be transferred from one platform to the other in just a few clicks. 

Cut Down Freight Costs

Your company is probably spending more money on operations costs than it should. You are probably spending a lot on fuel, servicing your fleet, and other operations. And we can say that it is a result of poor predictions and planning. The good thing is that our TMS software logistics can help you in making better plans that will help lower freight costs. For Instance, when the system is integrated with your accounting system, you will be able to see where your money is wasted and make necessary adjustments. It will also help you consolidate loads and even take shorter routes, helping you save on fuel.  

Provide Helpful Insights That Can Help in Decisions Making

Our logistics software for trucking businesses has many features and can be integrated with your warehousing, accounting, and other systems. The software can analyze a lot of data in the systems and provide you with helpful insights that can help you make better decisions for your transportation business.  

Assist in Tracking Drivers and Deliveries

Tracking loads and drivers is a problem for many transportation and logistics companies. However, our TMS software will help you address that problem once and for all. The software provides real-time location information about your drivers and deliveries. So you will be able to see drivers taking the wrong routes or misbehaving along the highways and take necessary action. In addition, you will be able to provide real-time location information of deliveries to your clients and trading partners.    
