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Boost Your Credit Score With Authorized User Tradelines For Sale

Jul 15

Boost Your Credit Score

Credit scoring models use information about credit accounts that report to the major credit bureaus, which then reflect it on your credit reports. The data helps lenders, potential employers and landlords get a better picture of your financial standing and creditworthiness.

Typically, your credit scores are determined by the information in your credit file, which is compris ed of your payment history and the age and credit limits of your accounts. A good credit score is a prerequisite for many of life’s biggest events, from buying a home to getting a job, and even renting an apartment.

The best way to build a great credit score is by opening new accounts with creditors that report to the credit bureaus, paying on time and keeping balances low. That’s not always possible; sometimes, financial emergencies and other factors can throw your finances off track. In those cases, tradelines may provide a fast and safe path to better credit.

As you can imagine, there is a large industry of tradeline companies that offer authorized user tradelines for sale to consumers. However, not all of these tradeline companies are reputable and safe to work with. Some of them may even be fraudulent or illegitimate. To avoid falling victim to these scams, it’s important to do your research and only purchase tradelines from reputable and licensed tradeline providers like Coast Tradelines.

What are Tradelines?

A tradeline is a legally-owned and active credit account that can be added to your own credit file to give it more age, which in turn will raise your FICO (or VantageScore) credit scores. The most common type of tradeline is a personal revolving account that has been reported to the credit bureaus for at least seven years. Other types of approved tradelines include:

The primary reason that people choose to buy tradelines is to jump-start their credit repair process or to qualify for a mortgage, auto loan or business loan with a more favorable interest rate. But there are many other benefits of adding a quality tradeline to your credit profile, including:

The most important thing to keep in mind when purchasing a tradeline is that it’s not a permanent solution to fixing bad credit. It’s a temporary fix until you’re able to establish your own healthy credit habits. This includes opening your own credit cards, paying on time and ensuring that your debt utilization ratio is below 30%. Once you do this, your credit scores will continue to rise without the need for additional tradelines.