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What to Do When You Have Water Damage Haltom City, TX

Oct 22

What to Do When You Have Water Damage in Haltom City, TX

Water damage is a major issue for homeowners and renters alike. It can be devastating to your home or business, causing irreparable damage from the inside out. The best way to prevent water damage is to keep up with preventative maintenance and know-how to identify the signs of water leakage before the problem becomes too big. If you think that your home or business has been damaged by water, contact us immediately for professional assistance! We offer 24/7 emergency services and we’ll be there as soon as possible!

Call us at 817-760-7841 or visit


Knowing the Signs of Water Damage

When you have water damage, your furnace may be running at full capacity, or the freezer could be reaching capacity and you can’t find a way to turn it down. Whatever the problem may be, you are trying to keep the water damage from causing more damage, but sometimes it just can’t be stopped. The first step you need to take is to stop the flow of water. There are various steps you can take when there is water leaking inside a home or business. There are several products on the market that you can use. If you are using an air filtration system and you notice that it is not filtering properly, get it fixed right away. When you are fixing the problem, you want to ensure that all of the water is running out of the property.


The signs of water damage vary depending on how badly it has been damaged. These signs include mildew, mold, mildew and decay, mildew and rotting, and mildew and rot. You should always perform a visual inspection of your home or business and consider a complete water test to ensure the safety of your property.

If you are concerned about water damage you may need to hire a professional to inspect the damage. Water damage can be the reason for leaks in your roof or walls and it’s also a sign of blocked or broken drains. You can also have moisture issues in your attic or crawl spaces if there are water leaks. Because rain can get in through storm drains and running toilets, if you suspect a leak, call a licensed plumber to check.

Check around your home to see if there are any signs that you have been exposed to water. Do you see water stains on the walls, carpets, or furniture? If you find any of these, they should be immediately cleaned or replaced to prevent further damage.

Before you have any kind of water damage mitigation on your hands, it is important to do some preventive maintenance on your home or office. You may not be at a high risk of water damage in the first place, but knowing what to look for will save you time and money once it becomes a real issue. If you are unsure of what to look for, you can talk to your insurance agent or, better yet, a building inspector.


Emergency Response for Water Damage Restoration

Haltom City Disaster Restoration understands the urgency that the safety of you and your family is. We immediately dispatch a team of experts when water damage is suspected, making water damage a top priority. We’ll notify you via cell phone or email when we arrive on the scene and begin the assessment.


When to Call Us

The following signs and symptoms indicate that water damage has taken place:


  • You see water coming from an outlet or a faucet in your home.
  • You see a puddle on the floor or a wet spot in the floor.
  • The toilet bowl is clogged with water.
  • You see dirt and debris under the toilet.
  • Your home has mold or a mildew smell when you enter the house.
  • Pots and pans are rusted or have a “rust patina” from the water.
  • The vents or AC unit is dripping on your furniture or flooring.

Ensure that you’re turning off the water supply at the main shut-off valve when you leave the house. Never leave it on while you’re away.


Restoration Services

We offer you professional restoration and restoration services throughout Dallas and Fort Worth, TX! With over 16 years of experience in the water damage and plumbing industry, our water damage and restoration team of professionals uses state-of-the-art technology and our experienced restoration specialists to protect your personal and property from any type of water damage.

We are a certified & authorized restoration company. We are 100% guarantee, no matter where your home or business is located! We provide same-day emergency services to customers who call us during regular business hours or before the office closes.


Our Process

We assess the problem to determine whether or not it is a repairable issue. If the water leak is caused by a large appliance like a water heater or clothes washer, then the leak is preventable. If the leak is from a smaller appliance, we determine whether the leak is on the interior of the property or if it is a problem that is at the exterior of the building. If the leak is on the interior, we are able to stop the leaking and dry out the room while we assess the interior of the property for other damage. If the leak is from the exterior, we are able to clean and dry the surface to prevent further damage and protect the property from the elements.How much money you spend depends on the extent of the damage that was caused.


We can certainly agree that flooding, and water damage, can be devastating to your home or business. With the right precautions, you can prevent your property from suffering these issues. As always, our number one priority is to protect you and your family. We stand ready to provide professional cleanup and restoration for all of your needs. If you need to hire professional water damage removal services, you can rely on Just Cleaning to ensure that you are the very best. Please call us today and learn more! You can rely on us to provide professional water damage removal services for all your needs.



Haltom City Disaster Restoration
Water Restoration, Fire and Smoke Restoration, Mold Remediation and Removal
Haltom City, TX 76117